Introduction: Classic Soft Pretzels

Hi lately I’ve been getting into baking and cooking and then I thought of pretzels and just thought, I’ll make that.

Hope you like them!


1: 4 1/2 cups flour

2: 1 1/2 cups warm water

3: 1 tablespoon sugar

4: 1 tablespoon salt

5: 2 tablespoons oil

6: 1 packet active dry yeast

7: 1 beaten egg

8: Coarse salt

9: Pastry brush

10: Baking sheet

11: Large bowl

12: Plastic wrap

13: Spoon or fork (For stirring)

Step 1: Water

Put your water into your large bowl.

Step 2: Yeast, Sugar, Salt

Add your yeast, sugar, and salt (non-coarse) and let sit for 5 minutes. Than stir.

Step 3: Flour

Add your flour.

Step 4: Oil

Add in your oil, mine looks weird for whatever reason but yours shouldn’t

Step 5: Stirring, Kneading

Knead and stir until a nice tough dough.

Step 6: Outside

Set outside or in a warm area for 55-60 minutes.

Step 7: After the Hour

Cut your dough into 12-13 equal pieces.

Step 8: Shaping

Roll the dough into a thin rope (you can make it any size you would like just not to thin) make a rabbits head and twist the ends down to make a pretzel.

Step 9: Baking Sheet

Put your pretzel on the baking sheet.

Step 10: Beaten Egg

Dip your pastry brush in the beaten egg and pretty much paint the pretzels with it. Next sprinkle coarse salt over the pretzel.

Step 11: Baking Them

Put them in the oven at 450 Fahrenheit for 15 minutes.

Step 12: Your Done!

Now eat and enjoy!