Introduction: Colleague

About: I am in sports and I love being outside. I am the oldest of three. I am in soccer and basketball.

This is a quick and easy computer project, that makes a perfect present for anybody.



Pictures of family on your computer

Step 1: How to Make a Collegue

First, before you start your colleague, you want to pick pictures out from your computer or phone. The cover, I made on my phone by picking the 3 little dots in the corner and choosing colleague. The dog is Jaya, the fluffy cat is Stormy, Oreo is black and white, and Chip is the little gray cat. Then choose your background and what is going to go between the pictures.

Step 2: Finally

You can ship these, or if they are on your phone you can just send them through text or Email. This colleague, my mom made for me as a Christmas gift last year. I love to play soccer, and my mom just put different pictures together.