Introduction: Corn Fritters (Bakwan Jagung)

About: Hi! I am Klinong, that is how my loving family calls me, except my brother, he calls me Krinyol, as I have silly curly hair :) I love Instructables for forever now, especially for the contests ha-ha!, but I …

Super simple to make and kids love them as after school snacks!

Step 1: Ingredients and Method

1 block of medium firm tofu, crumble with fork or hand

1/2 tin of sweet corn, drain

1 small onion, slice/chop

1-2 stalks of coriander leaves, slice/chop

seasoning to taste, such as Vegeta/Royco/Masako powder, if not, just salt, garlic powder, and ground pepper

3 eggs, lightly beaten is preferable

1/4 c water mixed with 3/4 c flour

Mix everything

Heat enough of cooking oil and fry batter by a soup ladle as measurement, until golden brown

Place paper towel on a plate to soak up dripping oil

Enjoy immediately :)

Slow Food Contest

Participated in the
Slow Food Contest

Snacks Contest 2016

Participated in the
Snacks Contest 2016