Introduction: Cover for Aquarium
Hi everyone!
As my second project, I decided to make a temporary cover for my aquarium.I have some xifos, and they like to jump out of the water,so logically I have to use a cover, but unfortunately, my old one broke, and it was too dangerous to leave the aquarium without a cover so I had to make myself a new one, until a get a brand new cover. It is pretty simple, it's entirely made out of cardboard. ENJOY!
-hot glue
Step 1: Measuring
In the first step, you have to measure the width, and the length of the aquarium.
Step 2: Planning the Cover.
In this step, I made some plans. One of them is the sizes i needed,the other one is the sides of the cover, of which you will need to make two. The third one is that how will it look when its made in 3D. The plans are adjusted for the aquariums dimensions, but it is made a little bit bigger, because a neon lamp will be mounted inside it.
Step 3: Drawing the Plans on the Cardboard and Cutting It Out.
Now, I had to draw on the cardboard the plans, which were made in the previous step. After they got cut out, I have scratched the folding lines with a non working pen.
Step 4: Folding the Cut Out Cardboard Pieces,and Glueing Them Together.
In the previous step, we scratched the folding lines, now fold following them. Now we only have to glue them together.
Step 5: Mounting the Lamp In.
In this step i mounted the lamp in. For this procedure I had to cut two holes on the top of the cover for the screws, and a bigger hole on the side for the wires. Make sure that the screws and nuts are tight, so it wont fall of and electrocute the fish. After this phase, we are almost done.
Step 6: Finishing the Cover
Now, with everything done, I dont have to worry about my fish jumping out. I hope this little project helped you,aquarium owners, and if you are not an owner already, I hope this inspired you. Thank You for watching!