Introduction: Custom Transformable Steampunk Robot Recycled Action Figure

This is a hand made, custom transformable, steampunk robot!

The figure can transform from ROBOT to a steampunk GRENADE explosive weapon!

This is made from the following:

1. an empty, plastic pills flask - including tap.
2. gold, black, white, silver spraypaint.
3. wire.
4. small coral beads.
5. nails.
6. pointy screws.
7. rubber parts.
8. steel, tin parts.
10. car fuses.

Basically, the figure was formed taking in advantage the soft, plastic material of the pills flask.
Since the plastic is quite soft and malleable, I created an armor of steel/tin, plastic parts, screws and springs all around the flask through knife cuts, holes and piercings.
This gave an excellent mechanic, steampunk look to the figure.

I glued rubber parts all around the body and I used it to create the robot's small feet.

The arms are some kind of thin, tin bars, assembled together through a spring that goes between both sides of the flask...they can be moved and can be "hidden" inside the flask body.

The robot head pops when you open the tap of the flask.
The tap is attached to the flask like a screw...and when you pull it up, a hidden, wire spring pops the head, making a funny robot look.

Since I'm not very into "painting" techniques, I also used some transparent hard plastic to "fix" the paint all around the body.
To make it more "robust" and so it can last longer.

I really loved making this figure, and I really hope I can have the time to build more of these "transformable" figures in the future.

Hope you like it!