Introduction: Cute Slice of Pie Necklace

For this Instructable I made a cute little necklace charm shaped like a slice of pumpkin pie! This Instructable is quite simple and fun to make.


For this Instructable you will need the following,

  1. A 3d pen
  2. yellow golden film for 3d pen
  3. orangish-brown film
  4. white film (optional)
  5. paper
  6. writing utensil
  7. Chain\String

Step 1: Draw Out Design

The first thing we are going to do is draw out a simple pie design.

  • Draw out a triangle with the top being slightly curved outward.
  • Then draw two lines coming from the front and back of the pie and connect them at the bottom.
  • Draw the crust on the back.
  • I am going to leave a small circle to put my string through for the necklace.
  • If you wish you can draw a little dollop of whipped cream like I did.
  • Finally color with the colors of 3d pen film you have or just keep it in your mind.

Step 2: Fill in Crust

Start up your 3d pen and put the yellow-golden film into the pen. With this color you are going to do the bottom crust and top crust. Remember, if you don't have the right colors or you want other colors you can always use them. Make sure you don't fill in the little hole for the string to go in later.

Step 3: Top of the Pie

Now take out the crust color from your 3d pen and put orangish-brown (For I am making pumpkin pie you can use any color for different flavors of pie). Fill in the top part of the pie but make sure to leave the whipped cream spot unfilled.

Step 4: Whipped Cream

Now, if you are doing the whipped cream dollop on your pie, grab the white film and fill in the spot where you drew it on.

Step 5: Put on the Chain/string

Finally, you want to make sure you wonderful creation in completely cooled because if it is still warm it will bend easily and then it would look kind funny. So, when it's all dry take your favorite color of string (Or like me one that matches your pie) and tie it through the little hole. Make sure it will fit around your head or get a clasp and fasten it on.

Step 6: DONE!

I hope you liked this project and will try it for yourself.

All Things Pi Contest

Participated in the
All Things Pi Contest