Introduction: Tiny Map in a Bottle Necklace

For this Instructable I made a tiny treasure map to go into a tiny bottle for an adorable necklace. This Instructable is fairly easy and I hope you enjoy.


The supplies that you will be needing for this Instructible are

  • White paper
  • Coffee
  • String
  • Tiny bottle

Step 1: Paper

To begin, tear a regular piece of paper into a tiny rectangle. Make sure the height of the rectangle is about the same as the height of the bottle, otherwise it won't fit.

Tear the paper instead of cutting it, as it will give it an older feel.

Step 2: Dye the Paper

For this next step, brew yourself a nice cup of coffee. Dip the tiny map into the coffee, making sure not to leave it in for too long.

Now place the paper in the oven or toaster oven. Bake it just until it's dry. If you overcook it, it will snap and break when you try to roll it later.

Step 3: Draw the Map

Using a sharp black pencil or a fine-tipped pen, draw a plus sign in one of the corners of your map. Then draw a smaller X over top of the +. This will be the compass rose. Label the compass with N, E, S, and W.

Next, fill in the map. You can draw anything on this, even the location of a real treasure. I drew mountains, trees, and a coastline.

Finally, draw a dotted line leading to a big red X.

Roll up the map, and using some thread or string tie it closed.

Step 4: Make the Necklace

Place the map into your tiny bottle, and tie a string around the neck of the bottle.

Step 5: Done!

Enjoy your new necklace! you could also use it as a bracelet, keychain, or ornament.

Jewelry Contest

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Jewelry Contest