Introduction: DARN It!
Have you ever tared a hole in your favourite t-shirt? We'll I have and that small hole is so irritating, ruining a perfectly good shirt. Well we also have the solution, you can fix it with some needle and thread.
Step 1: What You Need
Start with getting a needle and some thread in matching colour. If you have one you could also use a darning stool to stretch the fabric over while darning. If you done have one, you can use a glass or other hard object.
Step 2: How to Darn
Start by stretching the fabric over the darning stool and then sew back and forth over the hole with the thread (Image 1 and 2) Make long stitches over the hole and do them side by side to cover the area. Do note that you should not have a not at the end of the tread, just let it sit for now. It should look something like image 3
When done in one direction turn your piece 90 degrees and start sewing back and fort again. This time weave through the stitches you already made by going under and over each stitch (image 4 and 5)
When the whole area is covered fasten the thread by making a few stitches in your weave. No knots!
When done it should look something like Image 6
You can do this to mend any fabric, just use a thread that matches in colour and thicknes.