Introduction: DIY Bead Coasters - 3 Ways

What you'll need:

Nail file or sand paper

Fine point paintbrush

4 Golden Yellow translucent crackle acrylic ring beads (4.3cm by 4.3cm)*

9 Orange acrylic frame beads (3cm by 3cm)*

132 Cry/yellow shiny Czech seed beads 2/0*

E6000 glue


Piece of plastic 7.5cm by 8cm (from a plastic duo tang/file folder or a clear vinyl box)


*The cry/yellow shiny Czech seed beads came from John Bead, but I’m not sure if they still carry them. The other beads were given to me a while ago, so I’m not sure which stores carry them, but if you search for the above names you should be able to find similar beads.

Step 1: For the Golden Yellow Ring Bead Coaster:

Step 2: Scuff the Sides of the 1, 2, 3 and 4th Beads, As Shown Below, With a Nail File

Step 3: Apply E6000 Glue to Sides of the 1, 2, 3 & 4th Beads, As Shown Below, and Press Together

I found applying the glue to the beads with a paint brush was easier than directly applying it from the tube.

Step 4: Apply E6000 Glue to the Sides of the 1, 2, 3 & 4th Beads, As Shown Below, and Press Together

Step 5: Set Aside to Dry for 24 Hours So That the E6000 Can Cure

TIP* Use a heavy object to weigh down the beads while they dry. I used a paperweight.

Note: The dimensions of the coaster are 7.8cm by 7.8cm

Step 6: For the Orange Acrylic Frame Bead Coaster:

Step 7: Scuff the Sides of the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9th Beads, As Shown Below, With a Nail File

Step 8: Apply E6000 Glue to Sides of the 1, 2 and 3rd Beads, As Shown Below, and Press Together

Step 9: Apply E6000 Glue to the Sides of the 4, 5 and 6th Beads, As Shown Below, and Press Them Together and to the 1, 2 and 3rd Beads

Step 10: Repeat for the 7, 8 and 9th Beads

Step 11: Set Aside to Dry for 24 Hours So That the E6000 Can Cure

Note: The dimensions of the coaster are 7cm by 7cm

Step 12: For the Yellow Czech Seed Bead Coaster:

Step 13: Cut Out a 7.5cm by 8cm Piece of Plastic

You can use a plastic duo tang/file folder or the plastic from a clear vinyl box.

I used the plastic packaging from a box of cupcake holders, which was basically a clear vinyl box.

Step 14: Scuff One Side of the Plastic With a Nail File

Step 15: Apply E6000 Glue to the Plastic

Step 16: Apply 11 Beads Across, Row by Row, Until You Have 12 Rows or Have Covered All of the Plastic

Step 17: Set Aside to Dry for 24 Hours So That the E6000 Can Cure

Note: The dimensions of the coaster are 7.5cm by 8cm

Step 18: After 24 Hours Scuff the Bottom of Each Bead Coaster With a Nail File

That way they won't move around on smooth surfaces

Step 19: You’re Done!

Feel free to customize the design of you coasters. Enjoy!

Colors of the Rainbow Contest

Participated in the
Colors of the Rainbow Contest