Introduction: DIY Cardboard Glue Gun Stand

About: Cardboard Creations And More!

Step 1: Prep the Parts

A photo says more than a 1000 Words ;).

All measurements are in cm, but can easily be converted to inches using this Google Converter.

Feel Free To use this template anyway you want, personal, commercial etc..

However, I hold the Intellectual property of the photos and video in this Article :).

Step 2: Glue the Rear Walls

Start by gluing the rear wall, add a second layer if the base of your gun is wide or high.

This template is made for the Dremel 940 but it should work with any other gun :)

if your gun is shorter than this one, try gluing the rear wall closer to the center.

Step 3: Glue the Side Walls

These side walls will make sure the cardboard base will not warp over time. Add a second layer if needed.

Step 4: Assemble the Glue Stick Box

The glue stick box parts have the following measurements:

front : 8 x 8 cm

Rear : 8 x 12 cm

Sides : 8cm front side x 8cm bottom x 12cm rear side x Top (connect the last side together).

Step 5: Glue the Front Stop

Place your gun on the stand, and eyeball where the nose will sit, then add the front stop to make sure it sits perfectly and will drip inside the stand every time.

Step 6: Done

Add a small Cardboard drip piece, that will collect the glue drips after each work session and you are done.

Congratulations, You just made yourself a practical and cool Glue Gun Stand from Cardboard, that will keep your gun and sticks close to you while working, and make sure no glue will drip on your work table.

I hope you found this tutorial useful, check out my YT channel for more cool projects. Thanks!