Introduction: Delicious Stromboli (Sbarro Inspired)

About: I am a Makeup Artist, crafter, party lover and mother.

I love trying new food and variations of the classics. This is a recipe inspired by a fast food restaurant I like a lot: Sbarro.

This recipe is for 4 large strombolis.

Step 1: Ingredients

1 lb of puff pastry


Orange bell pepper (or your favorite kind)




Sesame seed

Step 2: Chop

Prepare your ingredients. Wash your onion and bell pepper and chop them, slice the cheese and have everything else at hand.

Step 3: Puff Pastry

Cut 1/4 of your puff pastry. Use a rolling pin to stretch your puff pastry out in a flat surface with flour. You should have a .5 cm of thickness dough.

Try to make it with the shape of a rectangle.

Step 4: Fill It

Fill your puff pastry with your favorite ingredients.

The ones that you're going to use first will end up in the upper part of your stromboli. We first put the onion and bell pepper, then the pepperoni, the ham and the cheese at the end.

Step 5: Close It

Use your whole egg and a brush to close it. Put some all around your rectangle and in the parts where they meet. First vertically and then the upper and lower borders.

Step 6: Egg and Sesame

Place your stromboli in your baking tray with the union facing down. Put some egg all over to glaze it.

Sprinkle sesame seeds on top of the egg and make horizontal cuts with a knife.

Step 7: Bake and Enjoy!

Bake at 220 C for 25-30 minutes or until they have a golden surface.

Let cool for 8 minutes and eat when it's still hot.

You can create different recipes with your favorite fillings like meat with broccoli and cheese.


Makerspace Contest 2017

Participated in the
Makerspace Contest 2017