Introduction: Despicable Me Minion Valentines Day Box

Cardboard, duct tape, recycled peanut butter lids=Minion!  We were trying to think of a Valentines Day box for a school party when we came up with the idea to combine the Instructables contest with the Valentine box!  This Instructables was a lot of fun to work on!  I hope you enjoy it!

Step 1:

For this project, you are going to need a cardboard box, 2 lids of some sort (we used peanut butter lids), yellow duct tape, random paper (we used old envelopes from junk mail), black electrical tape, black pipe cleaners,  and blue painters tape.

Now, cut out the shape you want the mouth to be.  Then cover the entire box with the yellow duct tape.  Wrap the duct tape around the inside of the mouth.

Step 2:

Now it is time to figure out where you want the eyes/goggles to be.  Put a strip of electrical tape around the box to be used as the goggle strap.

Then cut 2 white circles out of your white paper. Draw the iris and pupil inside each circle where you want it depending on the direction you want your minion to look.  Take those circles and use double stick tape or a glue stick to stick the circles to the inside of the peanut butter lids.  (I used a sharpie to color the outside of the peanut butter lids black).

Hot glue the lids to the box.

Step 3:

Cut some teeth out of scrap paper. Hot glue them to the inside of the mouth.

Step 4:

Use blue painters tape to make the overalls.

Step 5:

Finally, cut some black pipe cleaners to the length you want for the hair.  I drilled tiny holes where I wanted each piece of hair to go, then hot glued them in to place.

Done!   :) 


P.S.  If you have never watched the movie "Dispicable Me", watch it!!!  It is the the most clever and entertaining movie we have ever watched!!