Introduction: Easy Math Magic Trick

About: I like Games ANd electronisc

this is an easy maths magic trick that anyone can do!

You will need:
~a piece of paper 
~a pen 
~an evelope

Step 1: Prepare the Trick

On a piece of paper write down the four figure number that is two times the current date.
E.g. 2012 = 4024

seal the paper in an envelope.

Step 2: Performance

1.Ask the helper to write down the year he was born.
2.Below  this he writes the year of an important event in his life so far, the age he is, or will be, on his birthday this year and the number of years that have passed since the important event. Finally, he writes the total of these four numbers.
3.Open up the envelope. His total is the same as the number you have already written and sealed there.