Introduction: Easy Scratch Costumes

Small Scratch code to change costume with keys. Includes moving left and right.


You need the Scratch engine

Step 1: Make a Costume and Add Beginning Code

Enter the costume tab and use the given tools to create a costume. At least four.

Step 2: Add This Block and Add Key

Pull the block into the work area from the left, and add a key from the dropdown menu.

Step 3: Connect Costume and Hot Key

Connect the costume block to the hot key block.

Step 4: Add Additional Costumes and Blocks

This is the creative part. Make costumes and add more blocks with your choice of hot key.

Step 5: Left and Right Movement

Add arrow keys and movement blocks. REMEMBER: -X = Left and X = Right!!

Step 6: Add Starting Point

Make a spot for your sprite to start

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