Introduction: Easy and Delicious Breakfast Burrito

About: I am a Makeup Artist, crafter, party lover and mother.

Everybody knows breakfast is essential to start the day. Sometimes it can become just a routine or you eat the first thing that comes to your mind. Start up your day with this burrito you'll love!

Step 1: Ingredients

8 Flour tortillas

3 eggs

Refried beans

1 Avocado

Step 2: Scrambled Egg

Put your whole eggs in a little bowl and mix it.

Pour them in a hot pan with oil. Stir eventually until they look cooked and fluffy.

Step 3: Tortillas

Put the flour tortillas in a hot pan and flip them after 1 minute. Leave them 30 seconds more, take them out and put them in a plate.

Step 4: Filling

Spread beans in the middle of your tortilla. Scrambled egg on top of it and avocado. Don't put too much filling so you can close it easily.

Step 5: Close It

Fold the upper and lower part and hold them while you close the sides to the middle. It has to be tight so it doesn't unfold.

Step 6: Heat Up

Place your burrito in a hot pan with the opening facing down. Leave it there for one minute and turn it around for another minute.

Serve hot and enjoy!

Makerspace Contest 2017

Participated in the
Makerspace Contest 2017