Introduction: Efficient Joule Thief Power Supply

About: I love DIY and electronics forever

Hey everyone, getting busy with your DIY projects? If your projects are LED based, you will require a power supply that is quite efficient and make sure the circuit consumes low power. A joule thief can be a solution. Only problem, its quite hard to build, especially for beginners. No worries! In this instructable, I shall teach you how to build an easy and powerful joule thief.

Step 1: Get the Parts

You will need:


2N3904 or a BC547 NPN silicon transistor

Magnet wires

1k ohm resistor


Toroid (optional)

Soldering iron (optional)

Solderless breadboard (optional)

Step 2: A Word Before You Begin

The original design includes a toroid as the power booster. The hardest part is to wind the wire around the toroid. So, i shall show an alternative to the toroid which is easier to use, modify and gives efficient output compared to the toroid model (as noticed by me)

Step 3: The Circuit

Plrase refer the image. Here, the toroid is replaced by a transformer, which is actually a small inductor.

Step 4: Winding the Inductor

Take a magnet wire and simply wind about 10 turns around it. Thats all! Now, connect the parts as described in the circuit.

Step 5: Testing

The device works great with an old 1.5v aa battery. Good luck!

If you feel the project is good, Please give me a vote. Thanks. See you soon with another instructable.

Explore Science Contest 2017

Participated in the
Explore Science Contest 2017

Power Supply Contest

Participated in the
Power Supply Contest

Invention Challenge 2017

Participated in the
Invention Challenge 2017