Introduction: Eggless Cookies

About: Live.Laugh.Love

All time favourite; who can resist the aroma of freshly baked cookies? I could have these at any time of the day! Tried an easy 3 ingredient recipe and it turned out so tastyy! So lets bake some eggless cookies!


1) 100gms Butter

2) ½ Cup Sugar

3) 1 & ¼ Cup Flour

4) 2tbsp chocochips (optional)

Tools :

1) Bowl

2) Spatula

3) Hand beater

Step 1: Gather All the Ingredients

The process becomes simpler when you are prepared.

Step 2: Butter

1) Take a big bowl, add normal room temp/ melted butter.

Step 3: Sugar

Add sugar to butter and mix well with hand beater till soft paste formed.

Step 4: Flour

Then add flour and mix well with spatula for dough to be formed.

Step 5: Chocochips (optional)

Add chocochips (optional), cookie dough is formed.

Step 6: Bake

Make small balls and press them(cookies shape), place in greased tray. Preheat the oven at 180°C for 10 mins. Bake for 18 mins at 180°C.

Step 7: Ready!

Voila! Cookies are ready to be served!
Happy Baking :)