Introduction: Electronic Paper Craft

About: Un espacio maker trabajando con la ciudadanía y el barrio. Con la intención de acercar las nuevas tecnologías a todo el mundo.

From a white cubeecraft template we draw our personalized model. We cut the parts. And before paste we build a simple circuit to bring light a led in some part of our model.


- Colour Leds

- Scissors

- Colour pencils

- White Cubeecraft templates

- Battery R24

- Cables or coper tape.

Step 1: Pedagogical and Maker Objectives


- Introducing and know the circuitry.
- How to build a 3D figure with paper.


- Apply circuitry to a craft project.
- Precise cut.

Step 2: Step by Step

1- Get your blank template of a Cubeecraft. Download from here.

2- Decorate it according to your imagination. It can be realistic or a fictional character.

3- Cut all parts accurately.

4- Decide where the LED and battery are to be placed inside the model. Think if is necessary a switch to bring the LED or make a simple cable with tape to on-off the light.

5- Paste all the parts.

Step 3: Credits