About: I am married with two children. Spring, summer, and fall are my very favorite times of the year. I enjoy working in the yard, sewing, cooking, quilting, gardening, and creating. I do this to keep my sanity.
Toasting glasses are almost always used in weddings, so I thought it would be fun to design some toasting glasses.  Several people where I live mentioned they recently attended weddings that were red black and white. 

I used sand to give the glasses texture and I stamped them with the letters using paint not ink.  They were fairly easy to decorate although the stamping part took a few trials with paper,  because if you get too much or not enough paint on the stamps it is difficult to get them to look beautiful. 

I picked out several different pictures so you can look at most of the designs that I made.  I purchased my glasses at Tuesday Mornings for $2.99 each.  The dollar tree told me they had them for $1.00 each but they were out.  If you already have ribbon, sand, paint, and stamps the cost of the glasses make it very reasonable to make these.  If you had to purchase everything you can still make these for under 10 dollars. 

My favorite picture. Do you see the small gold can there? Can you guess what it is?  It is 2 Fancy Feast cans that I glued the bottoms together, embellished it with a small silk rose, filled it with yellow sand, and placed a T light candle in the center. It is so pretty!


  • 2 Fluted toasting glasses.
  • Sand.
  • Scissors.
  • Embellishments, ribbon, and crystals.
  • Paint.
  • Glue.
  • Letter stamps  (stamping block is optional.)
  • Scotch tape.
  • Cleaning cloth.
  • Wine bottle. (opitional)
  • Paper plate for the glue (optional.)
  • Not pictured (a very small stiff paint brush.  I used a skewer to dab paint on the stamp when it did not coat good enough.)


  • If you have not ever done this before I would practice on a jar first until you get the results you want. 
  • Tape the ribbon slightly below the rim of the glass evenly as shown in the picture.
  • Pour half of the sand onto a flat plate.
  • Apply the glue to all areas you want frosted.  I did not frost the stems. 
  • Applying the glue evenly is very important. 
  • Make sure all the areas you want frosted are covered. 
  • If necessary you may wet your finger slightly and try and work out any rough areas. 
  • Hold the glass over the plate and with your free hand scoop up a handful of sand and sprinkle over the flute. 
  • You will need to turn your glass as you pour the sand. 
  • Just keep turning your glass and applying the sand until the surface is totally covered.  
  • If there are any rough areas lightly rub your fingers up and down over that area until it is smooth.  Don't do this if the glue is very wet.
  • If there are areas that did not cover wait until the glass is dry and apply a little more glue and re-sand the area.


While the flutes are drying you can decide where you want to stamp your flutes and if you want any other stamping done to them.  The stamping block is actually a help in achieving the best results,  because it allows you to stamp everything in one process instead of stamping one item at a time.  It is also more accurate.  

  • If you have a stamping block,  set up the stamps you want to use and place them on the block. 
  • Apply paint to the stamps using the stiff paint brush or a skewer.
  • Test on a piece of paper or better yet a jar.
  • Re-apply paint.
  • Carefully place block over the area to be stamped and gently push and slightly roll if necessary to get the paint applied to the flute. 
  • Lift the stamp off the glass carefully not smearing the paint. 
  • Wash your stamp pad and stamp.
  • Wait until your flutes are completely dry before embellishing them. 


I liked the plain flutes with just the sand the best.  These pictures are just a few samples of what I made.  I am not an expert by any means.  I was just experimenting.  It is pretty obvious what I did so just look at the pictures and one just might inspire you to create some fantastic creations of your own.


Decorating wine and beer bottles are a great way to save money and still have a beautiful table setting.  I got my bottles from a winery by just asking for them.  I also got some corks.  I am sharing some of the things that I made from them as well as cans that I decorated.  You can use bottles as vases or decorations. One of the vases are a paint can lid.  

Don't miss out on my next instructable it is a little different.  It might surprise you.  Thanks for stopping by.


DIY Wedding Contest

Participated in the
DIY Wedding Contest

Gorilla Glue Make It Stick Contest

Participated in the
Gorilla Glue Make It Stick Contest