Introduction: Face Party
Learned this one on the bus ride to school works 19/20 times.
Step 1: Getting Ready
Get all the face card out of your deck so Aces,jacks,kings,queens.
Lay out the Jacks.
Lay out the Jacks.
Step 2: Putting Everything Else On.
Put the kings on top of the jacks queens on top of the kings and aces on the very top.
Step 3: Ummm Step 3
Put all the cards together. Take random amounts of cards off the top and put on the bottom do that 3 times.
Step 4: Putting 'em in Their Houses
Make 4 piles out of the top 4 cards. Put another card on top of spot 1 then put another on spot 2 another on spot 3 and another on spot 4. If you did this right it should end up in each pile 4 cards each one has all jacks,queens,kings,aces.