Introduction: Felt Sunflower

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Love plants but can’t remember to water them? Well I’ve got an easy and fun solution for you! Felt plants are simple and quick to make, either for just simple decoration or for a quick gift idea. I’ve seen quite a few people do this before but always thought it would be time consuming or difficult, when in reality the process is far easier than how the final product makes it look. I hope you find these projects just as easy and fun as I did!




Hot glue

Flower tape



Step 1: Measurements

Cut out squares and rectangles according to the sizes above, for the yellow, I cut out around 20 rectangles (you can cut more if you want more petals). For the brown felt strips I used two dark brown and one light. I also cut out some wire and folded it and wrapped it around itself for extra strength.

Step 2: Cutting

Cut out petal shapes, the back leafs of the flower, use any green scraps to make extra leafs. Then wrap the wire left with the flower tape, make sure to double around the ends so it doesn’t peel up.

Step 3: Petals

Pinch and stretch the tops of the flower petals

Step 4: Brown Strips

Fold brown strips in half and cut slits on the tip part

Step 5: Gluing and Chalk

Once slits are cut, roll brown strips in a spiral and rub orange chalk onto the petals

Step 6: Gluing Petals

Glue petals to the brown spiral in layers smaller petals to the front, larger towards the back

Step 7: Back Leafs

Glue the leaf big leaf cut out to the back of the flower, use the second one to glue the stem on with it

Step 8: Finishing Touches

Glue on the leafs and back. The final back should look like this, and then you’re done!

Step 9: All Finished!

About the Creator:

Hi! I’m Ali and I work at EXLAB as a student assistant! I like making things out of interesting and easy to access materials. I think making things should be easy and fun, and believe anyone can make cool things if they put their minds to it! I hope my instructables inspire some awesome makes!