Introduction: Flowchart for Virtual Colonoscopy Prep

About: Occupation: tech support

Flowchart on how to to prep for a virtual colonoscopy. Made from typed instructions to be easier to follow. Instructions from Lenox Hill Radiology in NYC.


  1. 3 bottles of Tagitol
  2. Miralax, 8.3 oz
  3. Four 5mg Bisacodyl oral tablets aka Dulcolax
  4. Bisacodyl suppositories aka Dulcolax
  5. Water

Step 1: Flowchart for Virtual Colonoscopy Prep

Text of flowchart:

Two days before the appointment:

  • Pick up 3 bottles of Tagitol from Lenox Hill Radiology
  • Purchase the following:
  • Miralax 8.3 oz bottle powder
  • Bisacodyl 5 oz oral tablets (aka Dulcolax)
  • Bisacodyl 10 oz suppositories (aka Dulcolax)

On the day before the appointment:

  • No solid food all day!
  • Drink clear ONLY clear liquids, ie: water, tea, coffee, juice, soda, broth, jello
  • Drink 8 oz of water (about 1 glass) every hour, for a total of 64 oz throughout the day
  • 8 AM: Drink 1st bottle of Tagitol
  • 12 PM: Drink 2nd bottle of Tagitol
  • 5 PM: Mix 8.3 oz of Miralax with 64 oz of water
  • 5 PM - 7 PM: drink Miralax mixture
  • 7 PM: take four 5 mg oral Bisacodyl tablets with large glass of water
  • 7:05 PM: drink 3rd bottle of Tagitol
  • 11:55 PM: Do not eat or drink anything after this time. No medications!

On the day of the appointment:

  • 4 hours before appointment: insert 10 mg Bisacodyl suppository