Introduction: Flying_Robot
Do you want to make own exceptional flying thing from paper?
This is instruction for you :)
You need:
-Sheet of paper,
You don't need:
-special skills ;)
Step 1: Printing the Template.
>For first you have to choose which version you want to do (BIG or small)-I used BIG ;)
>Next print slected version
Step 2: Cutting.
>Now, cut carefully along the black and green lines (look on the pictures) :)
Step 3: Gluing.
>Next step is gluing both robot parts.
Step 4: Folding.
>Fold wings like showed on first photo.
>Now you robot can dance Breakdance ;)
Step 5: Ballast.
>Now your robot need ballast, to correctly falling down.
>Use one or fewclips (like on photo)
Step 6: Test.
>Now your robot is ready for dancing in the air :)