Introduction: Foam Handguns
So I needed a pair of handguns for a Deadpool suit I was building. I was able to throw these together just using a lot of stuff I already had laying around. They're also basic enough that you can customize them further if you like.
Step 1: What You'll Need
Below is a list of materials you'll need. All are really cheap, and super common to find in any hobby shop.
1. Foam - Now I go my larger pieces from Five Below (only need one) and my smaller sheets from any hobby shop.
2. Xacto knife
3. Contact cement
4. Plasti Dip
5. Templates (I will provide)
6. Fine point Sharpie or pen
7. Various paints
8. Sand paper
Ok, lets get started!
Step 2: Getting Started
Ok, so you have your materials, lets get to the making. I have provided the template I created. Feel free to scale them to any size of your liking. Mine were made fairly big, but these can go any different size, it's really up to you. Once you get the size you like, trace your templates down on some cardstock, or just use regular paper if you like. You'll need 4 gun shapes, 4 trigger guards, 4 grips and 2 barrel covers (be sure to flip your grips and gun bodies, so you have two of each).
Once you have all your pieces cut out of your foam, we can begin building the gun.
Step 3: Construction
We'll begin by gluing the large gun bodies together. You'll want to sand down the textured sides, since they'll be the halves being glued together (don't worry, they don't need to be 100% sanded). After they are glued, I took a belt sander to mine, to round out some of the edges. Regular sand paper, or a Dremel work fine. Next up is the barrel wrap. You'll want to test fit, and mark the edges so you know where to apply your glue. I found it easier to glue one side first, then just wrap the top of the gun/barrel with the cover. You may feel more comfortable putting the cover on the top, then working the sides, it's completely up to you.
Once your done there, I found gluing the trigger guards in place was best. Since it gives you a chance to make sure your grips fit, or if they need to be slightly shaved down. Same rules apply for the grips and guards. Always place them on the gun, and outline where to glue/where they'll go. Cause once contact cement touched, it's not moving!
After all that gluing, you should be left with some pretty colorful guns. I took a ling strip of foam and placed it under the barrel and basically down the entire body of the gun. For really no other reason then just cosmetic, so don't feel like this is something you need to do. I used a wood burning tool to burn a circle in the front of the barrel as well as other little markings, a dremel would also do the trick. As would an Xacto knife.
Step 4: Painting
Ok, so now you have some super colorful clown guns. Cool, but not the look we're going for. Once your guns are all glued, you can either hit it with a heat gun to seal it. Or, use two coats of Plasti Dip. Or both (The route I went).
If you go the Plasti dip route, put a long screw (3'') in the barrel, so you can either prop the guns up when painting, or hang them. Don't worry, once fully painted, no one will ever see the hole.
Once sealed (Plasti/heat/both) I primed with a flat grey, two coats. Followed by three coats of flat black. Once dried, I went in on the edges with some silver Rub & Buff. You can also use silver paint, your call. Just put some on a rag, wiped it off on another rag and slowly hit the edges (more silver in the chamber area). How much is completely up to you. Went whatever silver you use dries, hit it with a coat of clear (I used satin/matte). And there you have it! Now I forgot to mention that I didn't include triggers. Mainly cause they feel way more comfortable to hold without them. But if you did want them, you could just trace the shape of the trigger guards, and cut a piece of foam to fit, again your call.
I this helps anyone who wanted to make some cheap/easy guns, good luck!