Introduction: Fruit Caviar - Molecular Gastronomy

About: Experiments, DIY, Life Hacks YouTube channel

This instructable explains the basics of fruits spherification.
It gives example of desserts with orange, lemon, raspberry and kiwi.

For your first try I recommend a fruit with strong taste like lemon.

Step 1: Ingredients

- Fruit juice
- Sugar
- Agar Agar
- Water
- Yogurt
- Cold vegetable oil
- Syringe
- Jar

Step 2: Prepare the Mixture

In a cooking pot, mix the following ingredients:

One portion of fresh fruit juice, the same quantity of water, half the amount of sugar and some Agar Agar.
The more you put Agar Agar, the firmer the result will be. For one orange I recommend 1/4 tsp (1 gramme) of Agar Agar.

Step 3: Boil the Mixture

Boil the mixture until having a homogeneous solution.
When it is still hot, use a syringe to take some liquid.

Step 4: Make Pearls

Drops by drops, put the liquid in the jar containing cold vegetable oil.
It should form some pearls at the bottom of the jar.

Step 5: Separate Oil From Pearls

Fruits pearls are ready but mixed with oil.
To separate the oil from pearls we will wash them with some water.
It is easy to clean as long as oil is less dense than water and pearls are more dense.

Step 6: Orange Pearls Presentation

There is many ways to eat fruits pearls, here is an example.
Cut an orange in two, remove the inside and fill with yogurt.
Then just add the orange caviar on the top.

Step 7: Lemon Pearls

To make lemon pears, use the same process:
- Mix fresh lemon juice, water, sugar and Agar Agar.
- Boil the mixture.
- Drop it in a jar filled with cold vegetable oil
- Clean lemon pearls

Step 8: Presentation of Lemon Caviar

Put some lemon caviar on top of some yogurt and add a slice of lemon.

Step 9: Raspberry Caviar

The same process can be use with raspberry juice.
The red color makes beautiful pearls.

Step 10: Presentation of Raspberry Caviar

On top of some yogurt, add the raspberry caviar with some raspberry

Step 11: Kiwi Caviar

Use the same process with some fresh kiwi juice. For a greener color you can use food coloring. In this picture I used one drop of blue and one of yellow.

Step 12: Presentation of Kiwi Caviar

On top of some yogurt add the kiwi caviar with some fresh slices of kiwi.

Step 13: Video

Watch the result in video.