Introduction: Full Color Play Dough Sensory Play

The current situation in which children and their families are in their home, staying at home to avoid spreading the Corona virus.

Playing and learning with children with materials that are easily available and environmentally friendly, as well as inviting children to explore the environment and surroundings so that children learn to understand cause and effect and train their sensors.

Playing playdough is not only for children, but adults also really enjoy playing it with their family members.

Apart from eliminating bored, it is also useful for training children's creativity and their sensory sensitivity. As well as the closeness between the child and their parents. It can be played by every one and every time.

Play while learning, have fun.

Step 1: Preparation

White flour 500gr

Corn starch 3 tablespoon

Salt 8 tablespoon

Baby oil 5 tablespoon

Vinegar 3 tablespoon

Water 200ml

Food Coloring (optional)

Step 2: Flour Dough

First put the flour into the container then add 3 tablespoons of cornstarch. Then add 8 tablespoons of salt. Stir until everything is well blended.

After that, add 5 tablespoons of baby oil, 3 tablespoons of vinegar and 200ml of water. Stir until evenly distributed, and until the dough is not sticky on the skin.

Then divide into several parts. I divide the dough into 5 pieces. Then give the color as desired.

Step 3: 5 Ball Colorfull Play Doughs

Yeeay finally we have 5 colorfull play doughs that are ready to be played with children and other family members.

Step 4: Finally

Finally the playdough is ready, and we can playing play dough as you wish. Mold, create letters of the alphabet, animals and more. Happy children, happy parents.

Thank you

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