Introduction: Fun Sport Using MakeyMakey
The aim of this project is to encourage sport through the use of technology as it gives an incentive by playing music and collecting points.
Step 1: Step 1: Create the Project
The first step I created my project using Scratch 3.0 Platform. I designed a character from costumes tab and make two costumes the first one Stand upright and another one Stand it horizontally.
Step 2: Step 2: Design Stage
in the step I used the following Materials:
- MakeyMakey hardware
- cardboard
- aluminum foil
- glue stick
As shown in the picture I put aluminum foil on the two cardboard parts separately, I connected one part of the cardboard with up arrow in makeymakey hardware and another one connected it with space key in makeymakey then I connected the makeymakey with my computer by USB cable.
Step 3: Step 3: Test Stage
After completing the design stage here comes the project testing stage when I go down to put my let hand on the the left cardboard and my right hand on the right cardboard in the same time must be I hear music and the score Increase by one also in my project I designed the Character it works like my movements