Introduction: Make Blind Recognize Things by Touching Things Around Them Using MakeyMakey

About: Coding for Kids is Volunteer initiative working on Develop kids in technology through fun


This project aims to make the life of the blind easy by identifying things around them through the sense of touch. Me and my son Mustafa we thought about finding a tool to help them and in the period that we use the MakeyMakey hardware to design projects like game, we found the MakeyMakey looks like a circuit when join between the positive and negative electrodes pass charges.My son and I did our first experiment using MakeyMakey it was makey the LED (light-emitting diode) turn on and turn off . We also found that things can be connected when linked with alligator wires like apple, banana and orange and we made game using Scratch Platform (it is platform made by MIT you can Design game and storytelling via coding) it was make the cat go up when we touch the orange and make it go down when we touch apple. Through these projects we have undertaken We found that a project could be designed to assist the blind in identifying objects through the sense of touch.

Step 1: Step 1: Materials

For my project I used the Materials I will divide them into two parts

The first part (Tools) includes (As shown in the picture in Figure 1)

  1. Sugar,tea and coffee canister.
  2. aluminum foil
  3. glue stick
  4. scissors

The second part (Hardware and software) includes

The hardware


MakeyMakey (it is like keyboard With his work ) (As shown in the picture in Figure 2)

The software

Scratch 3.0

Step 2: Step 2 : Design Stage

In this stage I put aluminum (Divided into two separate parts) on each cover of sugar cans, tea and coffee canister. Why we used aluminum because it is conductive material (As shown in the picture in Figure 1). After this step I put the aluminum piece On the base tea and coffee canister (As shown in the picture in Figure 2) and join it with the earth in MakeyMakey Hardware by alligator and We connected the earth (aluminum piece On the base) With one part of aluminum piece that was put on on the sugarcane, tea and coffee canister (As shown in the picture in Figure 1). another part of the aluminum piece that was put on on the sugar, tea and coffee canister we have been link them with the arrows in MkaeyMakey As follows

the up arrow with coffee the right arrow with sugar the down arrow with tea Now the coding step, in this step we used Scratch 3 platform to programming our project As shown in the picture in Figure 3) when We press up arrow we hear sound from laptop like (coffee) and the same work when we press the another arrows on the keyboard.

Step 3: Step 3: the Test Stage

In this stage we have been test our project, before test we connect the MakeyMakey with laptop via USA without install any software, then we put our hand on each cover of sugar, tea and coffee canister (As shown in the picture in Figure 1) so we should hear sound appear from laptop this sound we make from Scratch has text to speech extinction .

The video explains the testing stage