Introduction: How to Make GOOGLY EYES

About: I like Craft, origami and handmade. I have one of amazing youtube channel to learn everybody simple arts and crafts

GOOGLY EYES are very useful for many craft projects, especially for fun craft toys. Enjoy!


Step 1: Medicine Wrappers

Try to take off the foil paper nicely.

You will need 2 of these for making a pair of eyes.

Step 2: Iris

Draw two irises or use black thick paper

Step 3: Cut the Iris

Step 4: Place the Iris Right in the Center of the Medicine Wrapper

Step 5: Carefully Apply a Layer of White Glue Around the Medicine Wrapper

Step 6: Place the White Base on the Plastic Cap

Make sure not to pop the plastic cap of the medicine wrapper

Make sure the iris doesn't touch the glue

Step 7: Allow the Glue to Dry

Step 8: Cut Out the Round Plastic Cap With Scissors

Step 9: Final

Now you have two googly eyes. you can use it in so many fun crafts.
