Introduction: 3 Amazing Grapeseed Oil Masks
Yes you read the Instructables title correctly and your trusted Beauty Skin Fairy has not lost her mind! I will explain to you how Grapeseed Oil can assist in cleaning/clearing the skin and the following 3 Grapeseed Oil masks will help you glow during the upcoming spring and summer months (you guys should know by now that I'm all about the smooth and glowing skin). I will be honest the explanations are a little long but I want to try my best to explain this method to you.
What is Grapeseed Oil?
Grapeseed Oil is made from pressed and extracted grape seeds usually from wine grapes (the scientific word is Vitis vinifera). It is light, odorless and has emollient properties that can be easily absorbed by the skin. An emollient helps the skin maintain a soft, smooth and pliable appearance. Grapeseed Oil has astringent qualities which help to tighten and tone the skin, which makes it useful for acne. Grapeseed Oil also contains powerful antioxidants that are helpful in wound healing.
Come on, how does this make will oil clean my skin and help with acne???
Oil cleansing is not new or revolutionary and there are a lot of skin companies that offer oil cleanses or precleanse. But unfortunately we have been conditioned to think that we need to dry out the skin and then no more acne! THAT IS WRONG!!!!!! Our skin is not meant to be stripped of its natural oil. When it feels dry, it tries to repair itself, and it will overcompensate for the lack of moisture by producing additional oil. The natural oil in our skin is called sebum which is just oil secreted by our skin’s sebaceous glands.
So now let's remember chemistry class: Oil dissolves oil. The best way to get rid of sebum/oil, is by using another oil. By using the right oils, you can cleanse your pores of dirt and bacteria gently and effectively, while replacing the dirty oil with beneficial ones extracted from natural botanicals. Oils can protect and nourish your skin (I'm not getting too scientific here but you can definitely research it more). There are other oils you can use beside grapeseed oil but I prefer grapeseed oil.
Before you try any skin care recommendations please first try on your wrist or one side of your cheek. Always make sure before you try anything that you will not have a allergic reaction.
Step 1: Grapeseed Oil Cleanser
1. Wet your face with warm water.
2. Apply about 1 tbs. of the grapeseed oil in your hands (or what you feel comfortable with)
3. Massage oil into the face for a minute or two.
4. Wipe oil off with warm washcloth.
5. One or two drops of olive oil or another oil may be used to moisturize the skin after the cleansing oil has been removed from the face. But it is optional.
I would recommend doing the Grapeseed Oil Cleanse every other day, just to see the reaction your skin has then later do it everyday. Keep in mind it will take usually two weeks to see the effects from any new skin care regimen.
Step 2: Grapeseed Oil Exfoliating Mask for Dry Skin
If you have dry skin this yummy smelling exfoliating mask is perfect for you! Brown sugar is colored with molasses and generally does not contain chemical preservatives that may irritate your skin. Brown sugar is a great exfoliant to use because of its convenience, natural ingredients and its texture.
What You Will Need:
2 to 4 TBS Grapeseed Oil (if you want to store it, make sure it is in a closed container)
1 TBS Brown Sugar
1 Small Bowl
Your Finger ;) to use to mix it together
Benefits of the Ingredients for your Skin:
Grapeseed oil- increases the amount of collagen to the skin. It can help heal lesions and it has the ability to improves skin conditions.
Brown Sugar- is a natural humectant so it absorbs moisture from your environment and deposits it into your skin. Hydrating and conditioning, brown sugar helps to keep the moisture locked in. Brown sugar is also softer than granulated sugar it will slough away dry skin cells and helps to hold moisture in your skin. It also guards your skin from destructive toxins and keeps it healthy, nourished and glowing.
Directions for the Mask:
1. Mix the Grapeseed oil and brown sugar together in the bowl using your finger or a spoon to stir it.
2. I would recommend putting mask the on over a sink because it is a little messy and I would hate for you to get ants.
3. Leave the mask on for 5 minutes and enjoy the smell.
4. Get a warm to hot towel and wipe your mask off. Then splash your face with water to make sure the mask is off.
5. Feel your skin and smile.
Step 3: Grapeseed Oil Exfoliating Mask for Oily Skin
Sea salt is great for oily skin because it can help to remove excess skin oils.
What You Will Need:
2 to 4 TBS Grapeseed Oil (if you want to store it, make sure it is in a closed container)
1 TBS Sea Salt
1 Small Bowl
Your Finger ;) to use to mix it together
Benefits of the Ingredients for your Skin:
Grapeseed oil- Grapeseed oil increases the amount of collagen to the skin. It is an anti-inflammitant that help heal lesions and it has the ability to improves skin conditions.
Sea Salt- Sea Salt is a natural purifier that aids in removing the toxins that block the pores of the skin. It helps the skin breath easier, promotes better circulation, tightens the skin and improves skin texture. Also make sure the sea salt you are using are not too coarse. Because it can scratch the skin.
Directions for the mask
1. Mix the Grapeseed oil and sea salt together in the bowl using your finger or a spoon to stir it.
2. I would recommend putting mask the on over a sink because it is a little messy. Please be careful of your eyes!
3. Leave the mask on for 5 minutes.
4. Get a warm to hot towel and wipe your mask off. Then with water splash and rub your face with warm water to make sure the mask is off.
5. Feel your skin and smile.
Step 4: Putting on the Sea Salt Exfoliating and Brown Sugar Exfoliating Grapeseed Oil Mask
Step 5: Skin Brightening Grapeseed Oil Mask
The Skin Brightening Grapeseed Oil Mask will aid in brightening the skin and the honey is very hydrating. I would recommend doing this mask once a week.
What You Will Need:
4 TBS Grapeseed Oil (if you want to store it, make sure it is in a closed container)
1 half lemon
2 TBS of honey
Small Bowl
Benefits of the Ingredients for your Skin:
Grapeseed oil- increases the amount of collagen to the skin. Grapeseed oil is full of antioxidants such as proanthocyanidins, which helps with the appearance of wrinkles. This is not a miracle worker but it will help.
Honey- has the ability to absorb and retain moisture and this helps in keeping the skin well hydrated, fresh and supple. Honey is a natural antibacterial and anti-infammatory. It absorbs impurities from the pores and helps the skin stay youthful, radiant and smooth.
Lemon- are filled with AHA’s and BHA’s (alpha hydroxy acids and beta hydroxy acid) which aid in the removal of dead skin cells and help clear up blackheads, acne, and discoloration.
Directions for the mask
1. Mix the Grapeseed oil and the Honey together in the bowl using your spoon to stir it.
2. Squeeze one half of the lemon in the bowl and mix
3. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes.
4. Get a warm to hot towel and wipe your mask off.
5. Feel your skin and smile.