Introduction: Grumpy Cat Mask

About: Indie game developer, illustrator, comicker, costumer, sword/spoon fighter, Viking enthusiast & wears many hats
Do you, or does someone you know, embrace the attitude of a feline who "embodies" a particular serious president? Well, why not make your own grumpy cat mask!

This was a cheap-and-quick mask I made for my friend Colin - who doesn't wear costumes, can't wear costume makeup, and whose frown is reminiscent of an internet-cat-celebrity's-sulk.

Step 1: Supplies

Here's what you'll need:

- Cheap Plastic Cat Mask (I got mine at the dollar store for $2 around Halloween - during the rest of the year, a craft store might be your best bet.)
- Pink (Acrylic/Craft) Paint (...or Red and White Paint!)
- Paint Brushes
- Glue Gun and Glue Sticks
- White or Beige (Faux) Fur Scraps
- Brown and Black Marker
- Ribbon, elastic or painted dowel - depending on how you want to wear your mask

- Optional: Acetone

Step 2: Prep Your Mask

Clean your mask of paint, glitter, trim, etc, before you get started. You don't have to do this, but I recommend it.
I easily peeled off a ribbon trim from my mask, then wiped it a cloth soaked in acetone to remove the paint. Do this outside or in a well ventilated room please!

I actually made two masks - for the first, I couldn't get these dang glittery swirls off of the cat mask just by using the acetone cloth, so I just left them on. For the second (completely-glitter-coated) mask, I soaked the mask in a small amount of acetone - this proved to work against the glitter.

If you are to wear your mask by tying it around your head, tie a piece of elastic/pieces of ribbon through the holes at the side. (I'd be very surprised if the cat mask you buy didn't have holes punched already - but if it doesn't, carefully take some scissors and puncture in two).

Step 3: Paint the Ears and Nose

After cleaning and drying the mask, paint the ears and nose pink!

(...blast those glitter-swirls! blast them!...)

Step 4: Add Fur

You now need to cut out and glue the white or beige fur onto the mask.

The growth pattern of fur on a cat's face extends out from the center of the nose. So, in a nutshell, the fur on the top half of a cat's face grows upwards, and down-and-out for the lower half. To mimic this different fur direction, I cut out 5 pieces of fur; one for the forehead and upper-bridge of the nose, two for the cheeks, and two for the ears.

I laid out scraps of fake fur - good-side down - over the mask, and traced out the sections I needed. I then cut them out, applied hot glue to the mask, and added the fur.

Step 5: Colour in Details

If you have scarp fur of different colours, you can layer brown and black fur over the white to get face-markings that match Grumpy Cat.
Otherwise, you can do as I did and colour the fur with a marker! I used a black and brown marker to colour the ears and around the eyes.

Step 6: (Add Dowel And) Wear!

If you chose to hold up your mask by a baton, buy a small piece of dowel, paint it, (optional) and glue it to the back of the mask at the side.

Now wear with a scowl, and refuse to have fun at parties!
Halloween Props Contest

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Halloween Props Contest