Introduction: Guide to Loom Bands

About: The best account, completely dedicated to Rainbow Loom Bracelets!? All inspiration comes from Loom Love! Hope you enjoy
Hi!!! I thought that today I might show you some handy tips to use on your loom bands. Hopefully this tutorial might help you store your loom bands, make them look a bit cooler or stop them from breaking.

Step 1: Storing Your Bands

If you don't buy your loom bands in big boxes then your probably looking for an easy storage solution. Look through your kitchen for a container, you might be lucky and find a container long enough to fit your loom in it or a container divided into two parts so you can put your bands in one section and your clips on another. If not, you can just get a container like the one shown above. You can store your bands that container and put your clips in a plastic in which you may also put in that container

Step 2: Getting Stronger Bands

If you've found out that the bands you are buying are not strong enough, you have two options, you can just start buying new ones or you can freeze your bands. To freeze your bands, all you have to do is put your bands in a plastic bag then put it in the freezer for a few hours! It makes them a lot stronger and they hardly ever snap!

Step 3: Cooler Loom Bands

This idea may sound a bit bizarre but it certainly makes your bands stand out. All you need is nail polish! All you need to do is paint your bands with the nail polish (it looks awesome if you paint dots). If you have glitter nail polish you can make you bands even cooler if you paint them!! Try it out!!!!!!!!