Hi again my dear friends!
I have a channel on Youtube - Delta Hack.
Here you will find interesting and awesome life hacks and tricks! Subscribe! ;)
Today we show you how to make at home Batman LED Fidget Spinner
First of all look the video instruction ->
For making that magic ball you need:
- Plywood
- Hot Glue
- 6 Leds
- Wires
- Two switches
- Pen
- 2x Round Batteries 3V
- Insulating tape
- Mini saw
- Gas-jet
Let's Go!!!
Step 1: Сut the Shape
Print the figure from this document.
Circle the figure on the plywood.
Сut out two shape.
Step 2: Cut the Hole
Circle the bearing circle
Drill a hole and cut a circle
Step 3: Make Space for Batteries
It is necessary to clean the place for batteries
Step 4: Installing Led
Need to make 6 holes for LED
Next we connect the batteries and switches
In the last image you can see everything together
Step 5: Insert the Bearing
We insert the bearing and glue the circuit with hot glue
Step 6: Decorate Led Spinner
You need to light a gas burner and light a little Batman Led Spinner
Step 7: Have Fun!!!
Turn on both the switches and play with Batman Led Spinner all day!
It can be taken to parties, to a club, school, university. In case you need to shine in a dark place - the spinner will always be with you.
Play with the children and animals!
I hope you liked it !!! Put your likes and comment on YouTube. We will do more instructions.
Out other projects: