Introduction: Halloween Motorised Swinging Axe
Hi ! Halloween is coming, and for this year I want to build an horror garden, I've started to build 3 motorised swinging axes, and now I can explain you how to build it. However, I've massively used K'nex to build it, if you want, you can try to build it with other materials.
If you want to build it with k'nex, you can go on these website:
"K'NEX User Group", or ""
So, let see what you need to build a motorised swinging axe !
Step 1: Part List
To build the motorised swinging axe, you need:
-a broom handle ( 120cm on 2,3cm )
-a big brown scotch roll
-a normal scotch roll
-a gummed craft roll (or big Brown scotch roll)
-hot glue
-iron wire
-wooden plate (2cm breadth / 6.8cm thickness)
-a drill
-K'nex parts:
if you don't have enough K'nex parts or if you don't have K'nex, go on "K'NEX User Group", or on "", to buy wath you need.
-4 medium red gears
-2 small grey gears
-1 white gear
-2 grey rods
-13 red rods
-19 yellow rods
-32 blue rods
-45 white rods
-48 green rods
-1 black straight rod
-1 white connector
-9 3d blue connectors
-27 3d purple connectors
-45 yellow connectors
-4 green connectors
-20 red connectors
-12 light grey connectors
-49 dark grey connectors
-1 grey motor 12volts
-1 k'nex 12volts power supply
-2 black Y clips
-18 blue spacers
-26 grey spacers
-2 small blue clips
-9 pink lock clips
Step 2: The Appropriate Location
To instal your motorised swinging axe, I advise you to set it under a car shelter, like me. But, if you don't have car shelter you can suspend it with cable. Or if you have other idea, you can try, but, don't forget to the wooden plate must be totally motionless, and be sure that it won't fale on someone !
Step 3: The Axe
Build the axe
-you need carton, brown scotch roll, (and other materials to make the sketch of the axe) for this step.
Step 4: Axe Handle
For this step you need:
-the handle, and K'nex pieces.
Step 5: Assembly the Axe and the Handle
You need the axe, the handle, the big brown scotch, and a carton piece of 50 cm by 10 cm.
Step 6: The Balance
make the balance
-you need the normal scotch roll, and K'nex pieces for this step !
Step 7: The Structure
make the structure, you only need K'nex pieces for this step.
Step 8: The Mechanism (part1)
you need the structure and K'nex pieces for this step.
Step 9: The Mechanism (part 2)
you need the mechanism (part 1) and K'nex pieces for this step.
Step 10: Installation
Now it's time to install the swinging axe !
You can install it alone, or you can ask help to someone.
You just need a chair.
Step 11: Final Result
Well done !
Please share it if you like it !
If you have question or problems feel free to ask in the comment section !