Introduction: Hammer Guide

About: Hey there! I'm a high school student who does varsity sports and underwater robotics. I like to make cool things in my free time, always trying to outdo my last project.

This simple tool helps people learn how to hammer by increasing the size of the nail head. It gives them a bigger target to lower the chances of them missing and hitting their fingers. Compatible with nail sizes 16d and less.

The inside is cone shaped so that it tilts if it isn't struck in the center, providing a feedback loop if the hammer strike wasn't dead on.


I used my 3D printer to print this using PLA. A CNC machine could be used at well to make this part from metal.

Step 1: Download the STL File

I've attached the STL file in this step, just click 'download'.

Step 2: Slice It

To create the directions for your 3D-printer, you have to slice the file. I'm using Cura, a free slicer. I'm printing mine in PLA at 200 degrees Celsius at 100% infill for maximum adhesion and strength. Click 'slice' and download the gcode file to your 3D printer's SD card if it has one. Some 3D printers can print over WiFi like paper printers, so this step depends on your printer.

Step 3: Print It

Load in the filament you want into your printer and print out the part. It took less than an hour for mine (50 mm/s print speed).

Step 4: Put It on a Nail Head and Use It

With this device, the chances of finger smashing are reduced. Hopefully this can prevent some broken fingers while learning how to hammer nails.

Build-A-Tool Contest

This is an entry in the
Build-A-Tool Contest