Introduction: Heart Shaped Wire Ear Cuff

About: I love to work with my hands. Mostly I knit and crochet but I have dabbled in all kinds of crafts. Making things makes me so happy! I love seeing something beautiful take shape in my hands. Also I love taking …

I have always loved the look of ear cuffs. A few years back I got some jewelry supplies and started playing around with making rings and stuff. This is a simple heart ear cuff that I designed. I like it because it's cute and quick to make.


What you will need:

  • Jewelry wire
  • cutters
  • round nose pliers

Step 1: Make Your Cuff

For this project you can use whatever wire you want. Just keep in mind, the bigger the size of wire, the bigger your cuff will turn out. I used a bronze colored 24 gauge round wire for this cuff.

Use your wire cutters to cut a 2" piece of wire to start. Then use your round nose pliers to shape your cuff.

Now check out my photos above for a step by step on how to shape your wire.

Note: If you find that the back arm of your cuff is too long simply cut it off a little shorter and make a new end loop.

And that's it! Now go out and show off your beautiful handiwork!

Thanks for reading!

Step 2: Make Your Cuff

Heart Contest

Participated in the
Heart Contest