Introduction: How to Draw a 'My Little Pony'

About: Jesus is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Throttle78 is my robot bro. He is SOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Legend of Zelda ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can draw these, decorate your room with them, make stuff with them, ect. This Instructable will show you how to draw ponies and bronies from the little kid show, 'My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic'!!!! After this and a little bit of practice, you will be a pro at drawing ponies (which is kind of pointless if you really think about it........) Lol!

Comment if you have any requests on how to draw your fav. pony/brony!!!!!!!!!! Comment if you have questions!!!!!!!

Step 1: SUPPLIES!!!!!!!!!! Supplies.......

What you will need for this is quite simple.........

~sketch book or white paper

~pencil (or pen if you don't plan on fixing it)

~eraser of some sort (art erasers are the best)

~good attitude =D

Step 2: First Things First.........

First of all, you have to decide if your pony is a pony (girl) or brony (boy). Then you draw the head........
(Btw: this Instructable features Derpy Hooves and Doctor Whooves the most. Anyways, ppl, it is the SAME basic steps for ANY pony/brony)

Step 3: Front of Neck and Front Legs

Next, you draw the front of the neck and the front legs (you need to also start to draw the belly of your pony).
Note: the front of the neck and the front legs are somewhat connected, just to tell you!!!!

Step 4: Time for the Mane!!!! (Girl Only at This Time)

This step only applies to the pony because the girl hair normally covers the back of the neck and top of the neck. The brony hair comes a little later on......

Step 5: Back, Back Neck, and Back Legs

Now, you draw the back of the neck (most likely only on the brony). Then the pony's back. And finally the back legs =D
(Also, you should draw the top of the head and ear on the boy)

Step 6: Mane (boy) and Tail (both)

Time to add the mane on the brony and the tail on both of them! Their tails should match their manes (if they don't, your pony/brony will look VERY wierd....)

Step 7: Face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time to draw the face!!!!!!!!!!! Remember, girls have eyelashes and boys DON'T!!!!!!!!!!!!

Step 8: CUTIE MARKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cutie marks are SUPER important. They help define the pony's/brony's personality! (Some ponies/bronies don't have their cutie marks yet, but most do. Sooo it is up to you if your pony is a 'Blank-Flank' or one that has discovered his/her true potential.

Step 9: Wings, Horns, Ect.

Now, you have to decide if your pony is a Pegasus, unicorn, or alicorn!!!!!!!!! I will show you how todo a Pegasus because...........
#1.) I am showing you how to draw Derpy Hooves (Ditsy Doo)
#2.) it is harder to draw wings than it is to draw a horn

Draw the shapes in the pictures in the order the pictures are and your pony will have BEAUTIFUL wings (remember, if you are drawing an alicorn the wings are different then a Pegasus)

Step 10: Details and Finishing Touches!!!!!!!!!!

Color in hair that's suppose to be dark, fix up errors in the lines, add details/designs that you want on your pony/brony, ect.

Step 11: Names!!!!!!

You can either name your pony or brony before you start or when you end!!!! Because I drew Derpy and Dr. Whooves, that is what I am going to write above them

Step 12: Sign It and Enjoy It!!!!!!!

Sign your creation(s) and enjoy them!!!!!! You can hang them up, give them as Christmas presents, give them to your MLP: FIM crazy little sister, keep them and publish them later on in life to start your own MLP show or get rich off of them, ect.

Go enjoy your life and your MLP: FIM creation(s)!!!!!!!!!!! God bless you allllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!