Introduction: How to Enhance Eyes Without Makeup

About: Dream big. Make art, not war.
Hello!! Here is how to enhance eyes without makeup... My eyes are either green or blue... No-one can really tell... But by following these tips my eyes have gotten many compliments.

Step 1: Step 1

This is the most important point.... Get lots if sleep. I mean several hours per day. This will make your eyes brighter and awake.

Step 2: STEP 2

Eat carrots. Carrots are good for your eyesight and vision, and give your eyes many essential minerals and vitamins.

Step 3: STEP 3

Exercise regularly. Playing sport will make your eyes sparkle. I have played netball for 8 years and after every game or training session my eyes become very sparkly and I have received many compliments from this. People notice my eyes.

Step 4: STEP 4

Moisturize the skin around your eyes. This will give your eyes a beautiful effect and will make them stand out. Really any cream will work but I recommend OLAY FACIAL MOISTURIZER, which I bought from Woolworths. Thanks for reading! PLZ PLZ PLZ leave comments!