Introduction: How to Make a Popcorn Machine in Minecraft Pe (+sfx)
Hello Minecraft players! There's a new update for Minecraft Pe called 0.9.0. If you don't have it, upgrade it before you do this instructable! There has been models for a popcorn machine in MCPE. I've created one that has the popping sound effect of popcorn! So let's get started!
Step 1: Materials
You will need:
-polished andensite
-red carpet
-slime spawn egg
-polished andensite
-red carpet
-slime spawn egg
Step 2: Chamber
This is where the popping sound will come from. Dig 3 blocks deep and make a 3x3
Chamber inside the hole.
Chamber inside the hole.
Step 3: Slimes
Get your slime spawn egg and put at least 15 small slimes inside the hole.
Step 4: Base
Cover the hole with polished andesite and place another block of it on top.
Step 5: Top
Put a glass block on top of the andesite, then the red carpet on the top.
Step 6: Viola!
There is your popcorn machine with sounds! I hope you liked this instructable. If you did, please favorite. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments. If you want to stay in check, please follow.