Introduction: How to Make the SkyRanger Paper Airplane

About: Paper airplane maker: 400+ designs so far and more in development!
Fast, long range and small, the SkyRanger is a tiny "drone-cruiser" paper airplane that flies like a fighter. Designed to complement the larger Super StratoBolt, the SkyRanger is a miniature aircraft similarly capable of rocketing long distances.

To maintain commonality and increase simplicity, the SkyRanger uses the fuselage design of the Super SkyGnat "drone-fighter" paper airplane, and uses a horizontal stabilizer shape used on many of my other drone aircraft. The only unique part of the SkyRanger is its wing, which is designed for both great performance and lift at high speed. The SkyRanger's prototype was very successful in testing and was subsequently allotted an instructable.

TAA USAF Designation: D303-1

Step 1: Materials

1 Piece of 8 by 10.5 inch graph paper (4 boxes per inch)

Step 2: Begin Construction

Start construction of your SkyRanger by sketching out the design featured in the first picture. The graph paper this is made on should have one set of boxes folded in half at its crease. The fuselage is 9 boxes in length and has a counterweight of 3 by 2 boxes. One box from the rear of the fuselage, make a solid line along the graph line 0.5 boxes above the crease that stretches 2 boxes forward. Then 2 boxes inwards from the rear of the fuselage, make a dotted vertical line. The layout of the lines is complex, so it is easier to show than explain. Proceed to then cut it out.

After the fuselage is made, take another sheet of paper that is folded in half along the lines of boxes. Mark out the wing as shown (1 box in length by 4 boxes in width, with a swept portion in front of this box of 1 box of chord eliminated every 2 boxes away from the fuselage). In addition, measure 2 boxes along the crease and 2 boxes upwards from one side and the 1 box forward. Then draw a diagonal line connecting this line the other edge of the line along the crease. This will make the horizontal stabilizers. Then cut it out.

Solid lines indicate places to cut. Dotted lines indicate fold lines.

Note: 1 box = 0.25 inches

Step 3: Making the Fuselage

Begin making your airframe's fuselage by cutting it out and folding the counterweight in. Next, cut along the solid horizontal line as shown. Once this is done, fold the vertical stabilizer forward along dotted vertical line and fold the landing gear and spars down. Then unfold. Once this is complete, tape where designated.

Step 4: Applying the Wings and Horizontal Stabilizers; Stapling

Cut out and unfold your wing and flip your airframe inverted. Tape the wing to the fuselage by applying tape to the spars, with the overhang grabbing the wing. Cut off any excess tape. Flip the airframe over and then apply tape to the leading edge of the wing that sits atop the leading edge root extensions. Cut out your horizontal stabilizers and thread them through the fuselage beneath the rudders. Fold them up once through and tape them to the fuselage. Once these surfaces have been mounted, add one staple in the area of the counterweight. This application will complete your SkyRanger.

Step 5: Flight

With its small wings, the SkyRanger is a little aircraft that requires and excels in high speed flight. Launches should be at moderate to high speed at (slightly) negative, neutral or positive attitudes. Additional applicable surfaces include slats, flaps, flaperons, elevators, ailerons, spoilers, spoilerons, air brakes and trimmable rudders. Enjoy!