Introduction: How to Make the Starcruiser Paper Airplane

About: Paper airplane maker: 400+ designs so far and more in development!
Fast, long range and capable of all sorts of feats, the Starcruiser is a small paper airplane that can perform all sorts of missions. The Starcruiser is an excellent successor to the Skylancer, Stratoceptor, and Falcon paper airplanes. While the Starcruiser is an airplane fairly dissimilar from the aforementioned darts, it can easily match their performance and with experience can surpass them equally easily. The Starcruiser is truly a paper airplane that every paper air force could use. This airplane is a lightweight development of the Super Spectre paper airplane.

TAA USAF Designation: F240-1

Step 1: Materials

1 Piece of 8.5 by 11 inch paper

Step 2: Length and Corner Folding

Fold your paper along its length. Then fold the corners of one side down. Once you've done this on each side, unfold the corners and cut along the crease. Then fold the other corners.

Step 3: Nose and Corner Folding

Pull the nose down along the bottom of the corner folds. Then flip the paper over and pull the corners inwards again. Then allow them to open. Flip the paper over once again and fold the nose inwards once, and then twice. Flip the paper over and pull the outer edge of the paper in to the crease. Repeat on other side.

Step 4: Wing and Tail Folding

Fold your airplane up in half along the center crease. Then mark out points 0.75 inches above this crease at each end of the airplane. Then mark the point 2.5 inches inwards from the rear tip. Once this is done, mark a point 0.75 inches in from the wingtip. Now that all marks have been made, fold the wing down so that the root connects the two marks. Then fold the tail from its mark along the bottom of the fuselage to the trailing edge of the wing at the root. Unfold the fuselage and then pull the tail through the fuselage.

Step 5: Winglet Folding and Taping

Fold your winglets down at the point, parallel to the wing root. Repeat on the other side. Then tape the nose and the tail together at the specified points.

Step 6: Flight

Like most other darts, the Starcruiser is an excellent flier with great speed and range. For the longest, fastest flights, give your aircraft a moderately fast throw. Additional applicable surfaces include elevators, ailerons, elevons, slats, flaps, spoilers, spoilerons, air brakes, and a trimmable rudder. Enjoy!