How to Build a BookshelfBy crazydragonking99 in WorkshopWoodworking3,33855 Projects teaching you how to build a bookshelf. There are classically-styled shelves here, as well as DIY guides on making more unique examples. Projects teaching you how to build a bookshelf. There are classically-styled shelves here, as well as DIY guides on making more unique examples. MODULAR BOOKCASEby warehouse32 in Furniture60-minute Bookcaseby innerbubba in ShelvesBookcase Shelves That Do Not Sagby ProfHankD in ShelvesMake a Cardboard Bookcaseby NeuLaden in ShelvesHow to Design a Parametric Bookcaseby woodknot in FurnitureModern Bookshelfby A.J.B. in ShelvesClassroom Bookcaseby knife141 in FurnitureWall of Bookshelves With a Rolling Ladder 'on the Cheap'by mynewestproject in ShelvesBookcaseby williewolf in WoodworkingLadder Bookshelfby action pig in ShelvesOverhead Bookcaseby nikolardo in FurnitureThe Car Bookcaseby turbobug in TravelBookcase (or Basic Shelf) for Little to Nothing!by TMonkDesign in ShelvesLazy Susan Bookcaseby jcohen in ShelvesCheap, Easy, Low-waste Bookshelf Plansby aeray in ShelvesThe 59 Minute Bookshelfby Mr. Rig It in ShelvesBookcase / Han in Carbonite Hidden Doorby nylanan in Home ImprovementHow to Build a Plywood Bookcaseby Cheiron in Shelves