Introduction: How to Draw Halo Characters

About: I am a kid who is upsessed with NERF, airsoft, BB guns, real guns, and paintball. I play and mod NERF everyday. I am Chinese. I live in California. I love art. I draw something about Halo every math period in …
This instructables will teach you how to draw Halo's characters or something that looks like it. This is hard to do unless your acrazed artistic person.  Simply start with a peice of paper, a big eraser, and a pencil. 

Step 1: Start With the Head

  The easiest thing to start on is the head or helmet.  I only know three different looking helmets.  I drew the three I know of.  No, they're not perfect, but they're pretty accurate.  You can feel free to correct me.

Step 2: Second, the Shoulders and Arms

  Next, you can add shoulders.  It's pretty easy to do this.  After your satisfied with your shoulders then add arms.  Just try to copy the arms I drew.  No, this is also not that accurate and again you can correct me.

Step 3: The Gun

  The guns  the game is unique.  I drew simple guns, but not the complex guns they have in the game.  No, they're not perfect, but I like them.

Step 4: The Rest

  You can now add the chest armor and legs.  You can just make them similar to the ones I drew.

Step 5: The Final Touches

  You can add some extra detail and the shape of the hman body as a muscular form.  Then color it black.  Enjoy!