Introduction: How to Draw a Fat Cat


this cat is part cartoon part realistic and i drew my cat

Step 1:

Draw the head. it should be at the top of the page, make sure to leave room for the ears.
Should be pointy at the bottom (just a little). ?

Step 2:

Now that you have drawn the head, it is time to draw the ears.
Make them tall, and draw the
Fluff at the top small.

Step 3:

Top parts of muzzle should be wide spreading, the muzzle at the bottom of the face.

Step 4:

The eyes should be almond shaped, with curves coming out from the side of the eyes.

Step 5:

The neck should be wide, but not too wide.
The body should be shaped like a Lima bean,
and flat at the bottom of the bean because it's going to be sitting.

Step 6:

The top of the legs should be connected to the lower chest.
The paws should be ovals, connected to the legs.

Step 7:

Now draw the hind leg, the paw should be right next to the front paw.

Step 8:

Now draw the collar and the tail.
The tail goes around back, so you want curves where it starts, and straight against the side it isn't
Coming out of.
Make sure to draw the tip of the tail at the left of the cat.

Step 9:

Now do the details like the metal on the collar and the pupils, the toes, and the whiskers!