Introduction: How to Make 3D Star Out of Drinking Straw!

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Hello everyone let’s make something new! That is “3D STAR” out of drinking straw. Sometimes in our sweet house we celebrate many events like birthdays, get together, Christmas,new year celebration party etc. So in these kind of parties some of the plastic things are leftover like plastic spoon, plastic straws etc. So if we run our mind we can create something new out these left over rather than throwing it.

Step 1: Material Required!

The materials are:-

# Drinking straw(quantity:160, multicolour).

# Scissor.

# Glue.

# String(optional).

Step 2: Cutting Straws!

Now for this step you will be needing:-

* Scissor and * Drinking straws

# First step: Take out a straw out of the packet and cut into four equal pieces( that is about 2 inches per piece, because a straw length is about 8 inches) using scissor.

# Second step: Now do the same with all other straws left in the packet. So now you’ll be left with 640 pieces of your straws.(because 160 pieces multiplied by 4 gives us 640)

Step 3: Glueing the Straws!

For this step you will be needing:-

* The pieces of straws(640) and* Glue for sticking the straws.

# First step: Take 30 pieces of straws and now stick them using glue. As of now your 30 straw is a base of your triangle for making star

# Second step: Arrange each subsequent layer by reducing one straw. For example base layer has 30 straws the subsequent upper layer have 29 , 28 ,27....... The upper most layer will just one straw.

Step 4: The Structure!

# Observation: Front face of this structure will appear as an equilateral triangle. However from side view each each side will mas rectangle.

Step 5: Making the Sides of the Star!

For this step you will be needing :-

* Glue for sticking pieces of straws. and * Pieces straws.

# First step: Take 10 pieces of straws and now stick them using glue. As of now your 10 straw is a base of your triangle to make it star.

# Second step: Arrange each subsequent layer by reducing one straw. For example base layer has 10 straws the subsequent upper layer have 9 , 8, 7..... The upper most layer will just one straw. You have to do this three times. This will result you three equal triangles.

# Third step: Now you have to stick these three equal triangles on the bigger triangle. So after sticking them it will look like a star!

Step 6: Your Star Is Ready!

So guys enjoy your 3D star. You can use it in decoration or you can use it as a lamp or something else. Have nice day!