Introduction: How to Make Bubble Print Paper

About: Teaching you about eco-friendly crafts/upcycled projects so you can save money while saving Earth.
I'm going to teach you how to decorate your own stationary using common household items :) 

Step 1: Gather the Materials

You will need food dye, paper/cardstock, a drinking straw, empty containers that can hold at least half a cup of water, dish soap, and tap water.

Step 2: Mix the Soap and Water

Fill each of your containers with about half a cup of water. After that, put about a teaspoon of dish soap in the water and stir it.

Step 3: Add Color

Put 10 or more drops of food dye in the soapy water and stir it with a straw.

Step 4: Blow Bubbles

Use your straw to blow bubbles above the rim of the container.

Step 5: Bubble Print Your Paper

Lightly touch the bubbles with your paper until they pop. When you lift the paper there will be a bubble print on it!

Step 6: Let Your Prints Dry

Leave your prints at a place where they can dry. They may curl up at the edges from the moisture... If you want to flatten them, you should place them under a heavy book (on a flat surface) after they have finished drying off. 
Print & Dye Contest

Participated in the
Print & Dye Contest