Introduction: How to Make Cardboard Vase | Flower Vase

Welcome to new tutorial, I made flower vase with cardboard.Its very easy to make and looks beautiful.You may try it .You will get amazing result.


Cardboard,acrylic colors,

foamic sheet,sand paper,

Wall primer and distemper,

heat gun

Step 1: Preparation of Vase

For making of vase, I used cardboard. Mark on carsboard sheet as required shape. Cut all parts and wet upper portion like I did. Now use heat gun on wet part till it dry and fold.Now attetched all the parts with tape. Atteched the parts with base, For more details watch the video.

Step 2: Vase Cotting

Structure of vase is ready.Now apply mixture of distemper and wall primer on all parts.Let it dry. After dry the parts,now I apply sand paper on all over it. Sufrace is now smooth like I need.

Step 3: Flower Making

I used foamic sheet for flower making.Cut the required shape, than fold petals on preheated pan.Now paste all flowers and leaves on the vase.

Step 4: Final Pics

My project is ready for display. Here are few pics of my vase . It looks awesome,You may try it .

Cardboard Speed Challenge

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Cardboard Speed Challenge