Introduction: How to Make DIY Terrarium
Glass bowl,thermocol sheet,cement color,cling film, air dry modeling clay,clear epoxy resin,blue pigment,few stone,dried moss,coconut husk, mixture of sand & soil,artificial tree,mini bench,animals,glue..
Step 1: Make Artificial Wall
- Take thermocol sheet & cut into required shape.
- Take mixture of cement & water .
- Put the mixture on themocol .
Step 2: Artificial Pond
- Take clear epoxy resin & mix blue pigment .
- Pure mixture in a bowl . few hours to leave.
- After dried epoxy ,its look like a pond.
Step 3: Arrangement in a Pot
- Take jar for terrarium .
- Firstly put pieces of thermocol .
- Now add mixture of soil & sand.
- Then add coconut husk .
- Artificial tree is also fix in jar.
Step 4: Final Look
- Take dried moss & add it in the jar.
- Beautiful terrarium is now ready.
- Final pics.