Introduction: How to Make Mangaverse Spider-Man Gloves
Hello, my name is tvwxspidey and in this tutorial I am going to show you how to make your own Mangaverse Spider-Man Gloves.
I bought the Mangaverse Spider-Man suit and I needed the gloves and the backpack.
First I thought about buying gloves and paint it brown, but I wanted something extra.
This glove I made is based on a art by Tommy Ohtsuka, it is a brown glove with blue stone or orb on it.
But you can also add bandages to the glove like in the Spider-Man PS4 game.
With that said, let's get started.
What you will need:
- 10 mm EVA foam or 5 mm craft foam or 2 mm craft foam
- Contact cement or hot glue
- Velcro
- Hobby knife or scissors
- Heat gun
- Multitool
- Plasti dip
- Standard leather paint cognac or any color of your choice.
- Primer
- Blue spray paint
- Gloss spray paint
- Plastic ball (5 cm in diameter) or bandages
Step 1: Print, Trace and Cut.
First, print out the free template, make sure that you print the template to the right size. I have used my foam ruler to measure my hand circumference. When you have measured your hand, trace the template over on foam and carefully cut it out with a knife.
The template guides you about where you must cut and where to glue.
I also cut out 4 pieces of foam as straps for the glove, one for the velcro and on to connect the glove to the wristband. For this glove I used 10 mm EVA foam.
(Tip: Sharpen your knife for a cleaner cut.)
(Optional: For the glove part you can also trace it on 10 mm foam, But keep in mind to rescale it to the right size.)
(The end product you see on the pictures is made out of 10mm foam.)
Step 2: Heat Forming
- Grab your heat gun, warm up the foam and heat shape the foam according to the guidlines.
I also heat form the wrist band round.
(Optional #1: You can also use an hairdryer, but a heat gun gives a lot more heat and works better.)
(Optional #2: You can also fold the wrist into a square.)
(Warning: Keep the heat gun moving, or else the foam will burn and only heat foam in a ventilated area.)
Step 3: Glueing and Velcro.
- When the heatforming is done I glued A1 to A2 and B1 to B2 with contact cement. (Please check out the photo.)
Make sure when you use contact cement, that you use it in a ventilated area or use hot glue. - For the wrist band, I stick on a piece of velcro on the foam strap, glued it on to the inside wrist band and then I connect the other velcro to the other side of the wristband.
- At last I glued on the second strap to connect the hand and wrist band.
(Optional: If you want you can also use hot glue to glue parts together.)
Step 4: Carving and Heating
- This is totally optional. To give it some extra detail, I engraved in the lines you can see on the template and also some battle damage with the help of a multitool.
- After the engraving I used my heatgun again to open all the cuts and relax the foam so it can hold it shape. I also made sure that the top of the glove is as flat as possible.
- I also engraved an circle with the right diameter of the ball in the glove for a snug fit.
(Warning: if you had used hot glue to glue parts together, make sure you don't put to much heat on the glove. Because the hot glue can liquify and the 2 part come lose.)
Step 5: Paint Job
Now it's time for paint.
- For the glove I use 2 coats of plasti Dip to seal the foam. Give each coat about 15-30 minutes.
- Then I painted it with 2 layers of cognac color shoe paint and let it completely dry or paint it with any color you want. (It was the first time using this kind of paint so I waited around 45 minutes to 1 hour to dry.)
- While the glove is drying, I sanded the service of a plastic ball, so the paint sticks easier, I spray painted the plastic ball a coat of grey primer, a few coats of blue and a few coats of gloss finish to protect it. On the inside of the ball I glued in a piece of foam, so that it is easier to glue it on.
- When everything is completly dry, I glued on the colored ball on the glove with hot glue.
(Optional: you can also wrap your glove in bandages.)
Step 6: And You're Done.
Your gloves are finished.
I am not dissapointed at the cognac shoe paint, it really looks good and I was surprised it works.
What I am really happy is that the suit looks good on the suit.
I had so much fun making these gloves and I hope you did too.
Feel free to like and subscribe and if you made these gloves by yourself, make sure to send me a picture on Instagram to: @tvwxspidey.
Happy crafting and cosplaying and I hope to see you next time.