Introduction: How to Make Mini House Diorama

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Styrofoam, acrylic colors, plaster of paris , woolen thread, card board PVA glue.

Step 1: House Preparation

For house preparation take Styrofoam and cut it according to your terrarium size .For detailing use tools .Now apply mixture of primer, distemper, PVA glue .Cover all with it.After drying apply sand stone acrylic color as a base coat. Now Raw sienna is used for shading.For drain pipe I used empty ball point refill .

Step 2: Tiny Plants and Pots (Bougainvillea)

I used two colors for doors and windows.I made tiny flower pots and plants. I used woolen thread for bougainvillea .For more detail you have to watch video.I looks real and beautiful .

Step 3: Assembling

Assemble all the material on the house, like name plate, street lights windows ,doors and ladders. Take a card board piece for roof .Apply light brown shade on it for old look.Take a fish bowl and cover little portion with plaster of paris . Apply color on it.

Step 4: Beautiful Pictures

My project is done for display .Few pretty pictures is here for you. I think you like the diorama very much .Its very easy to make for kids too.Your suggestions are always welcome.